
THIÊN LONG SRO SRO Tao Chơi SRO KIM LONG Nhận Cài Đặt Máy Chủ Sro - Sơn Nguyễn
Silkroad Online, Vin Sro, Cap 100, Only Asia Sro Kim Long Sro Asia THIÊN LONG SRO Sro Gost 120 SRO Tao Chơi

Trang chủ:

Gruop/Diễn Đàn:

Phiên bản: Silkroad Map 110 - Máy chủ: symplysro

Loại Game: Exp: 100x - Drop: 10%

Alpha Test: 20/04/2022 (11h) - Open Beta: 01/05/2022 (11h)

Ngày đăng: 31/05/2022 10:33 AM
    1. SimplySRO providing classic game play and designed for players that loving Silkroad Online, beside a busy life somehow still wants a connection to Silkroad Online even if not able to play long hours still can win and gain while botting or being afk. SimplySRO is the place that you can find where Chinese and European characters are in a real balance with adjusted skills, also increased buff durations with some European skills for a comfortable game play. SimplySRO created with love of Silkroad, no real money transactions needed here, you can get silk, gold and items while botting, bein away from keybord or while actively playing. SimplySRO not a company nor a business, SimplySRO totally donated to Silkroad community for non commercial purpose, not to earn money, not to make profit, not to build a business. SimplySRO promising a life time online server unless an hater attack and break our dreams, still SimplySRO will fight back and will try to stand strong and protect itself. SimplySRO focused on keeping oldschool Silkroad soul alive that there won't be new noisy and annoying events, there will be only original oldschool Silkroad events. SimplySRO doesn't have any rules and no GM involving game play to punish players or to do any silly events. Thank you for reading game introduction, hope you can enjoy here. (đã chỉnh sửa)

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    SRO THIÊN LONG Sro Tạo Chơi Cài Đặt Dev Sro Private, Silkroad Online 	Quảng Cáo Vui Lòng Liên Hệ